Life Lessons from a 70-Something

Greetings, my Beautiful, Wonderful, Talented, and Magnificent Family and Friends.

So here comes another Birthday I am so Grateful for having. Yep… I am Blessed to be 73 years young this Birthday. I have made a list of life lessons I’ve learned… and of course, there are so many that I decided for now to list only a few….. I know…. You’re welcome. LOL

We, who are over 70, are often referred to as;
Senior Citizens…
Golden Oldies….
The Downhill Sliders…. Yikes!

The truth of being over 70 in today’s world is much different than any other time in history.

I never suggest that any insight I offer on life skills be taken on an “instead basis.” I NEVER give Advice. I do provide Learned Guidance, and I suggest that one take what they can use from my Sage offerings and make it their own or add to their personal experience for enhancement, the rest,  toss aside. In other words, if what I offer does not fit, don’t try to wear it. That’s one life lesson for you!

Living to 100 or older, we have earned the right to impart our wisdom. Read this story: 100-year-old woman shares her biggest lessons for a long and happy life

Below,  I offer you 25 of the many things I have learned from my life experiences. Life Lessons, if you will.

  1. It is crucial to be a Forever Learner.
  2. It is essential to make Music a part of your daily/nightlife.
  3.  Make Play, Laughter, and Dreaming a daily practice.
  4. Get out into nature, walk barefoot through the grass, sand, and dirt.
  5. Do Not allow others’ opinions of you, your talents, your successes or goals, and your dreams to affect or change the journey you believe is right for you.
  6. Do not blindly accept other’s opinions, definitions, and explanations without researching for answers for yourself.
  7. Know yourself inside and outside, know your Values, your Capabilities, Talent, Likes, and Dislikes, What you will settle for, and what you won’t. Never Compromise yourself.
  8. We cannot un-ring a bell, take back words spoken, un-see displayed anger or actions.
  9. Know that Children will do what they See way before they do what they Hear.
  10. Everyone knows how to fail, but we do not often know how to recognize our successes.
  11. If you want peace and joy, let go of Expectations, Self-imposed Outcomes, and limit your “Stuff and Things” to remain as mobile as possible, which equates to freedom, not “poor-dom.”
  12. You are the only one who can make you happy…Period!
  13. When a negative thought comes to you, ask yourself if that thought is True? If the thought is not true, why are you wasting your life minutes thinking about it? If the negative thought is true, what can you do to turn it around?
  14. Power naps are health-promoting and rejuvenating.
  15. Don’t be so busy that you put things off…..Know when a do-over is possible and when a do-over can never be, especially with children, and take appropriate action. One can see a movie again, but your children’s play or dance recital is a whole different story.
  16. Keep the Life Wheel in a prominent place and check it often to help keep you in balance.
  17. Whether you worry or think in possibilities, both are affirmations.
  18. Take your time to get to know the person you think you want to spend the rest of your life with. Ask each other the most pertinent questions concerning Values, Beliefs, What Love means to them, What the words Husband and Wife mean to them, What is their belief and philosophy on raising children, What are their expectations of the Mate they want for life?
  19. Learn the art of Communication, Learn how to argue for a win-win outcome.
  20. Be and stay in Love with Life. Find your Blessings and Gratitude’s every day.
  21. Never go to bed angry with anyone or anything. Resolve anger by addressing what is making you angry, then fix it or forgive it right there.
  22. Make time for Family. Make time for your Tribe of close Friends.
  23. Learn something new every day
  24. Don’t stay with a job that you dislike. No job is forever; keep looking for the job that can become your passion.
  25. How you react to any given event or situation will be a big decision maker for the outcome.

Some “Bonus” Life Lessons

I know I said I had 25 life lessons, but I can’t not include some of these as well!

One of The most important lessons I have learned is that our Expectations can and will cause us some of the biggest disappointments and heartaches we can experience in our life. No one can fully live up to the Expectations of another!

Never give another permission to make you over to their specifications.

Never compromise your Values or your Gut Instincts for anyone.

If you think you truly know another, no matter who they are within your life… You Do Not!

Make it a habit to find a minimum of 5 things to be Grateful every day of your life!

Blessings to you,

PS Many of my life lessons have come from the wisdom of others. Check out my library!

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